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At Home with Abi

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Must haves for a Newborn
At Home With Abi Abi Abley At Home With Abi Abi Abley

Must haves for a Newborn

While pregnant, I spent hours researching what I needed to purchase for our new baby and what was a waste of money. Everyone seemed to have different answers, what one person said they used every day, another said was a complete waste of money.

Here is what we have used regularly as parents

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My birth story
Journal Abi Abley Journal Abi Abley

My birth story

Thankfully, my birth story was a positive and straightforward experience. It unexpectedly began very suddenly and passed quickly. Hopefully, by sharing my story people like me who have only heard the negative will realise that things can be good, even if it doesn’t go to plan.

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Baby Shower
Journal Abi Abley Journal Abi Abley

Baby Shower

Friends and family organised a book-themed baby shower for me.

We are fortunate to be loved by many people who are excited to meet our little one.

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My First Trimester
Journal Abi Abley Journal Abi Abley

My First Trimester

We recently shared the news on social media that we will welcome our little one in the summer. I never expected to take as long a break from writing as I have done, but my first trimester passed in a blur of hospital trips and sickness.

On social media, we shared photos from Center Parcs and Sharm El-Sheikh. As is often pointed out, social media provides just a snapshot of a day and there can be so much not shown happening behind the scenes

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